Saturday 24 May 2008

'Indiana Jones' Sequels Starring Shia LaBeouf? George Lucas 'Can See It Working Out'

He's a professor of archeology, an expert on the occult and a whip-wielding, gun-toting, fist-pounding hero who's never far from the next adventure. Indiana Jones has been called a lot of names since he first exploded onto the big screen in 1981. Now he's about to be called the strangest one of all, hints a Fox News report: sidekick.

While at the Cannes Film Festival, where "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" is one of many movies premiering out of competition, George Lucas hinted that he's left the door open for more "Indy" stories, but with Shia LaBeouf, not Harrison Ford, at the center of the action.

"I haven't even told Steven [Spielberg] or Harrison this," he was quoted as saying. "But I have an idea to make Shia the lead character next time and have Harrison come back like Sean Connery did in the last movie. I can see it working out."

Connery played Dr. Henry Jones, Indiana's obsessive and somewhat comical father, in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade."

Although it has been talked about for months, Lucas' statement is another hint that LaBeouf's character, Mutt, might be Indiana's son — that is, if I remember my SAT analogies correctly (Sean Connery : Indiana :: Indiana : Mutt).

LaBeouf himself seemed keen on sequels when MTV News recently spoke with him about all manner of things "Crystal Skull"-related.

"It all comes down to Harrison. He is Indiana Jones, and there'll never be another Indiana Jones," he said. "[But] I'm so geeked-out by this whole situation. I'd be an extra in any Steven Spielberg movie. So, yeah, of course. I mean, who wouldn't [do another 'Indy']?"

Last year, the Net was flooded with stories claiming that Lucasfilm had signed contracts with both Ford and LaBeouf for additional movies. At the time, a spokesman for the company explicitly denied to MTV News the veracity of these rumors, stating they were just "idle chatter among Internet fans."

Stay tuned to MTV News for more about the possibility of "Indy 5," with breaking news direct from Cannes.

Check out everything we've got on "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull."

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